Erskine Alumni Board meets in the mountains
“The Alumni Board held our first-ever offsite retreat at Bonclarken,” Erskine Alumni Association President E. Phillip Cook ’92 reports.
The Erskine Alumni Association Board of Directors gathered Friday and Saturday, July 22-23, in Flat Rock, N.C., just three weeks after the ARP conference center’s 100th anniversary celebration.
Board members heard presentations from Jane Shelton Dale ’73 and Erskine President Dr. Steve Adamson; offered orientation for new members; and participated in board sessions led by Cook.
Dale, a former Alumni Board member who served as chairman of Bonclarken’s 100th Anniversary committee, spoke to the group about the history of the conference center.
Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Relations Paul Bell ’84 was delighted that Erskine’s 18th president, Dr. Steve Adamson, traveled to Bonclarken with his wife Von to address the group. Bell said Adamson encouraged the Alumni Board to “Pray always for Erskine,” to lend their time and talents to their alma mater, and to give to Erskine.
The two-day meeting, though marked by intense effort, allowed “some time for fun, a great deal of listening, and plenty of planning,” Bell said.
The Alumni Association president agreed. “The restful and relaxing environment provided a perfect opportunity for our orientation and planning sessions as we prepared for the coming year’s activities,” Cook said.
Bell noted that items discussed included the newly launched online Alumni Connection Directory and Alumni Job Board. “The alumni page of the Erskine website is also undergoing a renovation to make it easier to navigate and more informative,” he said.
“The setting for our annual summer meeting allowed us to focus on activities and topics in a new way as we strive to support the Alumni Association and the entire Erskine community,” Cook said.
The Rev. Barry Dagenhart ’82, ’93 (Sem.), longtime senior pastor of First ARP Church, Rock Hill, S.C., and his wife Sarah Dagenhart ’82, an Alumni Board member, opened their Bonclarken home to the group, which included some spouses, on Friday afternoon for an ice cream social.
At the Erskine Alumni Board’s summer meeting in the beautiful setting of Bonclarken, “The fellowship was great, and a good time was had by all!” Cook said.
New members welcomed at the meeting were Andy Anderson ’93 of Columbia, S.C.; Lloyd Kelso ’73 of Gastonia, N.C.; Mary Elizabeth Land ’90 of Abbeville, S.C.; Michael Noble ’99 of Anderson, S.C.; Jim Rambo ’62 of Laurens, S.C.; and Ken Robinson ’78 of Greenwood, S.C.
Returning Alumni Board members in addition to Cook include Tripp Boykin ’92; President-Elect Dr. Sanita Cousar ’77; Sarah Dagenhart ’82; Dr. David Danehower ’74; Jacob DeLuca ’15; Dr. Peggy Harrill ’76; Secretary Anna Pettus ’13; the Rev. Dr. Maynard Pittendreigh ’76; C.E. “Ed” Poore, Jr. ’61; Walker Riley ’18; Dr. Richard Taylor ’69; Justin van Riper ’18; and John Wingate ’99.